The 2010 Entertainment Book: Savings Galore

11:31 PM Posted by Erin


You've probably seen those thick booklets chock-full-of coupons, freebies, and savings offered every year in the annual Entertainment Book. But did you realize they offer over 16k in deals, all for the bargain price of just $35 for the entire book? Are you also aware that your purchase donation goes to benefit charity? So while you support your local businesses with your purchases, you not only save big bucks, but are additionally assisting in donating millions of dollars to those in need.

We were recently sent our own copy of the 2010 Entertainment Book and were more than impressed with the variety of well known companies, restaurants, and stores offering steep savings in the book. Last weekend we took our three year old to see a movie, and armed with our book, saved over $7 between tickets and refreshments. In an economy where every penny counts, both my husband and I were highly impressed with the ease of use and how conveniently the sections and subjects were broken down in this well organized volume. We've actually begun keeping our Entertainment Book in the car so we'll never be caught paying full price as long as there's a discount available. Do your best to find a local school, church, or other program offering the Entertainment Book or buy online with free shipping on their website. From food to services, activities to entertainment--Either way, you cannot afford to not own this book!

Want It? Win It?

2010 Entertainment Book is generously offering one lucky winner their own copy of their local edition of this Book.

The Details: One lucky winner will receive the coupon 2010 Entertainment Book The Rules: Tell me one company you'd love to get great savings from.

Try, Try again... Second Chances:
**Follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

** Follow This
Mom Can Shop and on Twitter and tweet RT @thismomcanshop WIN the 2010 Entertainment Book with over 16k in savings. , You may do so once a day for one extra entry each day .
** Blog about this contest linking back to this contest and leave a separate comment.
** Enter the giveaway from Eden's Bouquet for 1 extra entry and let me know.

The Nitty Gritty:
*Winners are chosen randomly, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
*contest ends October 4th, 9 pm EST. Winner will be posted within 48 hours.
*open to US residents only!
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.


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    we don't have one locally but would use this when going out of state

  2. Mysharona said...


    The Blue Canyon restaurant

  3. sweepmom said...

    WaWa would be high on my list.

  4. peg42 said...

    I'd love to see Home Depot coupons, since it seems that we live at this store. Thanks so much.

  5. abfantom said...

    I would love to get savings from Target.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  6. Jill said...

    Giant grocery store!!!

  7. one frugal lady said...

    Kroger! Kroger was not listed for the 2009 edition... I hope it is for the 2010!

  8. one frugal lady said...

    I follow this mom can shop via blogger!

  9. one frugal lady said...

    I also entered the eden's bouquet giveaway!

  10. Gretta said...

    Old Navy or Home Depot for me! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. Nanette said...

    The Cheesecake Factory

  12. Liz said...

    I would share this with my patents to use it at all of the great restaurants near them in Baltimore. The first place I would use it is at the Charcoal Grill for some tasty pit beef.

  13. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'd love a discount to chick fil a.

    reallyareyouserious at gmail dot com

  14. Metal Momma said...

    i would love to see target and old navy in there

  15. Dolphin Girl said...

    WE would love to see Home Depot or Chili's.

  16. michelena2000 said...

    Would love Home Depot.

  17. Shooting Stars Mag said...

    I would love movie theatres or borders.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  18. clynsg said...

    Reasors Grocery--a nice local supermarket.

    clynsg at

  19. Elsie said...

    I'd love coupons and savings from Best Buy, we like their products...and we use and share coupons whenever we can!

  20. Unknown said...

    I would love to have coupons for DocGreens here in town
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  21. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  22. Unknown said...

    Follow on twitter and tweeted
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  23. Unknown said...

    Entered in Edens Boutique giveaway
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  24. jlmk said...

    Target's my big box store, so I'm always looking for savings there.

  25. Cocoa Lover said...

    Book store coupons! WE have a Borders by us.

  26. Anonymous said...

    I would love to get great savings from Carfagnas Kitchen...a local and my personal favorite Italian restaurant.
    one 4 earth at aol dot com

  27. Anonymous said...

    Definitely would love some coupons to use at Whole Foods. Their stores are wonderful and I love shopping there but the prices are outrageous!
    nynekats at aol dot com

  28. Ellen C. said...

    I'd like to get great savings for Stoneforge. Thanks for the chance.

    sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

  29. Laura said...

    I would love to see some Trader Joe's coupons in our area book.

  30. Laura said...

    I follow on Twitter and tweeted:

  31. Laura said...

    I entered the Eden's Bouquet giveaway.

  32. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  33. Anonymous said...

    I would probably say target! It's in my small town and I'm there always picking up something!!

  34. Nickolay said...

    Buffalo Wild Wings


  35. Unknown said...

    Home Goods Store!!

    Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

    Janna Johnson

  36. Sara said...

    Our local pizza place is in our book and it is always the first coupon we use!
    saradavis1 at gmail

  37. Sara said...


  38. Sara said...

    follow on twitter and tweet

  39. Dawn said...

    I would like coupons for Chuck E Cheese since we seem to go there about once a week.

  40. Unknown said...

    I would love to see coupons in there from Target! I love Target.
    melissagmeyer512 at gmail dot com

  41. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog.
    melissagmeyer512 at gmail dot com

  42. TheSuburbanMom said...

    Hard to say, we use so many coupons. Love the ones for the movies!

    jenburg at gmail dot com

  43. Linda said...

    I'd like coupons for Subway.

  44. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  45. Elle said...

    I would like coupons for Lowes.

  46. allison said...

    this would be really cool!

  47. ~ Cee ~ said...

    Probably Subway, Target, Panera, Quiznos, Starbucks, Wendy's, Sonic, any place to eat! Thank you for this giveaway!

    ceevegnashville [at] gmail [dot] com

  48. Unknown said...

    I would love to have the atlanta book

  49. msrodeobrat said...

    olive garden =)

  50. wantsandwishes said...

    I would love to see coupons for Sharke's.

  51. Mamushi Love said...

    Definitely Target. We go there almost every week, so we could always use something to help us save.

  52. Anonymous said...

    Wienerschnitzel! I love their chili fries.

    thefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com

  53. sphinx63 said...

    Giant Eagle. Would love to see some grocery coupons, like maybe save $5 when you spend $25 or something like that. Thanks!

    sphinxcw at aol dot com

  54. Lauren said...

    I looked up our local book and would love the discounts to Cici's Pizza - my husband always begs to go there!

  55. Anonymous said...

    I would have to say Walmart since that store is close to us.

  56. Clara said...

    Definitely Golden Corral!

    Claracaha39 at aol. com

  57. Clara said...

    Follow your blog and love it!

    claracaha39 at aol. com

  58. Clara said...

    Entered the Eden Bouquet contest!

    claracaha39 at aol dot com

  59. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  60. Alicia said...

    Sweet Tomatoes.

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

    bloggyig at gmail dot com

  61. cherriblossom25 said...

    Cheesecake Factory.

  62. Alicia said...

    Sweet Tomatoes

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

    bloggyig at gmail dot com

  63. Laura said...

    daily tweet:

  64. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  65. shelley said...

    Best Buy!!!!

  66. Unknown said...

    We use the entertainment book for great savings on pizza and restaurants. I know one we use in there is Hungry Howie's Pizza.

  67. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  68. Laura said...

    daily tweet:

  69. Carol W. said...

    I'd love to see Starbuck's included in the Entertainment Book.


  70. Carol W. said...

    I follow this blog.


  71. Jeanette H. said...

    I heard T.G.I.Friday's is in this years book, I would LOVE to get some coupons for there. Also for Cedar point!

    Thank you for the great giveaway!


  72. Mommy 2 Bears said...

    Texas Brazil. Love that restaurant.

  73. Anonymous said...

    Home Depot would be a great one, since we are working on remodeling our house and could use some savings.
    talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

  74. Anonymous said...

    I am a blog follower
    talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

  75. Anonymous said...

    I am following on Twitter and tweeted
    talonsmom731 at gmail dot com

  76. Lori said...

    Well Target would be awesome, but since that's not likely, I'd say our favorite local restaurant Don Quixote's of Rocklin, CA. Yum...

  77. lilbabypug said...

    I would love some deals for Old Navy. Thanks for the giveaway.

  78. Laura said...

    daily tweet:

  79. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  80. jzagarjr said...

    I would love to get savings from Target.

  81. turboterp said...

    I'd love deals from Subway, where I go often for a healthy lunch. Thanks!

  82. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  83. Carl said...

    How about putting in some deals from Barnes & Noble?

  84. Unknown said...

    I love to get good savings from Ulta

  85. Jackee said...

    I'd like a coupon for Valet Dry Cleaners
    happeejackee at

  86. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  87. mail4rosey said...


  88. Cakeblast said...

    I love shopping at Target, so they are a store I would like to have coupons for.

  89. Cakeblast said...

    I follow you (publicly) through Google Connect / Blogger

  90. ky2here said...


  91. ky2here said...

    Here's my tweet:

  92. Anonymous said...

    I would love one from Sip N Kranz in Portland,OR! We go there A LOT!
    kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

  93. Anonymous said...
    Here's my tweet!
    kaytewatts AT aol DOT com

  94. Becca said...

    I would love Costco or Denny's. Thanks! sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  95. Becca said...

    I follow your blog. sbcashortie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  96. Becca said...

    I am following you on twitter (I am sbshortie) and I tweeted the contest at

  97. Becca said...

    I blogged about the contest at

  98. Pat said...

    I'd like to get great savings from Wendy's.
    pkildow at gmail dot com

  99. Happi Shopr said...

    savings from home depot would be big for us. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  100. denyse said...

    Shop Rite

  101. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  102. hmmmm1977 said...

    I love getting great deals... especially to cut down on our weekly grocery bill. So I pick Publix!

  103. guettel78 said...

    My two favorite stores are Borders and Barnes and Noble, so I would hope they would both be represented in the book. Thanks for the giveaway!

  104. guettel78 said...

    I'm following you on twitter (guettel78), and I tweeted:

  105. Michael said...

    One company I'd love to get great savings from is Edible Arrangements! :)


  106. chromiumman said...

    old navy would be great

  107. Beth said...

    I love to go out to Ruby Tuesday with my friends, so a discount would be great.

  108. AEKZ2 said...

    Target is my favorite store.

  109. msjazzyfresh said...

    I would love to get disneyland or amusement park discounts.

  110. msjazzyfresh said...

    Im a blog follower.

  111. mindy said...

    stop and shop thanks minsthins at optonline dot net

  112. Anonymous said...

    Macaroni Grill

    weblynx at

  113. guettel78 said...

    Daily tweet:

  114. Ellie Wright said...

    Kroger! I missed them in the 2009 book. Thanks for the giveaway.
    eswright18 at gmail dot com

  115. Anonymous said...

    I'd love to see Best Buy Savings.


  116. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  117. tomgibson38 said...

    Pizza Hut

  118. Unknown said...

    I would love some good Target coupons.


  119. Anonymous said...

    I'd like to get savings from Trader Joe. Thanks for this offer.

  120. Candie L said...

    We only have one national restaurant chain in our area, so I guess I would love for Subway to be in there. thank you


  121. Candie L said...

    I am following your blog. Thank you


  122. Unknown said...

    Kmart on black friday

  123. Anonymous said...

    I would love to save at Target or Jet's Pizza.

  124. Gina said...

    One company I'd love to get savings from is The Spaghetti Warehouse

  125. Gina said...

    I follow on twitter and made a tweet

  126. Erica C. said...

    I'm always at Target, so it would be nice to have coupons there!

  127. heaventrees said...

    I would love to get great savings from Hobby Lobby.

  128. Annemarie said...

    I would love to see Sephora in it!!


  129. Unknown said...

    I would love to get McDonald's coupons.

  130. Shooting Stars Mag said...

    i follow on twitter and tweeted today-

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  131. Shooting Stars Mag said...


    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  132. Amber said...

    I'd love to see Walmart or Target add coupons to the Entertainment books.

  133. Anonymous said...

    Love these books lots of great to use the coupons at here in Los angeles. I would love it if they had a coupon for Urth Cafe, my favorate place

  134. cpullum said...

    My two favorite places to shop are Kohl's and Best buy so would love to see them in it!

  135. Jen said...

    I have to agree with most of the other posters, I like Target. I also wish that there were more local grocery store coupons in these books. Those coupons would really come in handy.

    footejennifer at

  136. said...

    Cheesecake factory

  137. Tracysweetangl said...

    Sonny's BBQ and Logans Roadhouse

  138. Jinxy and Me said...

    I would like Target or Kohl's coupons!

  139. Jinxy and Me said...


  140. Jinxy and Me said...


  141. Anonymous said...

    They have a lot of good coupons, but I would like to see one for the online store

  142. Anonymous said...

    follow your blog


  143. Anonymous said...

    follow on twitter and tweeted

  144. Molly C. said...

    Would love to see a Walmart coupon.

  145. kakihara said...

    Yes please!! I love mine!!
    Krispy Kreme --they used to be listed not in the last one---and Panera Bread, Noodles & co., Five Guys Burgers, Winco. Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. Claire said...

    I would like to see coupons for pet stores, such as PetCo or PetSmart or Pet Supplies Plus, etc. We go through a lot of dog food!
    Thank you!


  147. ali said...

    I'd say either Safeway or Target.

    THANK YOU!! atraditionalsurro at comcast dot net

  148. Claire said...

    I now follow your blog! :)


  149. Deb K said...

    I'd love to get great savings at TJ Maxx!!

  150. Deb K said...

    I follow you on Twitter


  151. Carol EL said...

    I would love to get savings from Target.

  152. Sheila Hickmon said...

    I would love to get great savings from Target, that's where I shop the most!

  153. Sheila Hickmon said...

    I follow you on twitter, and I tweeted!


  154. dvice12 said...

    I'd like savings from Chuck E Cheeses

  155. Tinyblessing said...


  156. Anonymous said...

    Any coupon is ok with me! Local bowling alleys, bars (Red Lotus Brewery, et. al.), and eateries made cheaper always make me happier! Pizza too. Woohoo! COUPONS!!!!!!! Thanks for the contest!


  157. kamewh said...


  158. Sarah Z said...

    Would love to see TCBY coupons in there!
    believedreamcourage (at)

  159. taxchyk said...

    Spaghetti Warehouse!

  160. Kathy P said...

    the china buffet :)

  161. Kathy P said...

  162. angie said...

    I'd love to save some $$ at Sweet Tomatoes and at Chipotle. :)

  163. demmi said...

    starbucks con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

  164. susan1215 said...

    J.C. Penny

  165. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  166. Unknown said...

    I'd love to get great savings from Kroger- they get the bulk of my grocery $.

  167. Unknown said...

    follow & tweet

  168. ShesAnAngel said...

    One company I'd love to get great savings from would be :D

  169. ShesAnAngel said...

    I'm following your blog...


  170. ShesAnAngel said...

    I'm following you on twitter and I tweeted

  171. camper223 said...

    My kids say universal discounts
    I would like Walmart and Sonny's Real Pit barbecue Restaurant

    Thank you so very very much


  172. camper223 said...

    I'm a blog follower

    Thank you so very very much


  173. Jayfr said...

    Target would be great for discounts. We can't seem to leave the store without spending into triple digits.

  174. camper223 said...

    I'm following Thismomcanshop on twitter

    I twitted this giveaway

    Thank you so very very much


  175. Unknown said...

    Toys R Us, Macys

  176. Tammy said...

    The Olive Garden!

  177. Tammy said...


  178. Sonya said...

    Safeway or Target!

  179. SocialButterflyz said...

    I would love to get savings from Target!

  180. Missa said...

    I'd love to get savings for Cold Stone Creamery...LOVE that place!

  181. Missa said...

    I follow your blog!

  182. Missa said...

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted:

  183. lilyk said...

    One company I would love to get great savings from is Food4less.

  184. Tracysweetangl said...

    Sonny's BBQ and Logan's Roadhouse.

  185. guettel78 said...

    Daily tweet:

  186. Amy delong said...

    Target,I love that store!


  187. scottsgal said...


    msboatgal at

  188. Sand said...

    I would love to receive additional savings at Cost Plus World Market.

  189. Anonymous said...

    I would love to see coupons for Target, my favorite store

  190. Nancy S. said...

    I would love to have savings on my local pizza shop, Iccara's.
    ncschools at yahoo dot com

  191. Nancy S. said...

    I follow your blog with google friend.
    ncschools at yahoo dot com

  192. Nancy S. said...

    I follow you on twitter and I tweeted.
    ncschools at yahoo dot com

  193. Anonymous said...

    Would love to have a discount from Target!! Or Subway--yummy! :)

  194. Bridget3496 said...

    The Melting Pot...Yumm!

  195. Angela C said...

    I would love to have savings from hotels for when I travel! THANKS!

  196. Anonymous said...

    I would like to get my savings from Kroger.

  197. Anonymous said...

    Target an Cheesecake Factory are just two of the great ones-
    Diane Baum

  198. /\Heather/\ said...

    Any goldbrick restaurant: cpk, cheesecake factory, panera bread. Thanks!

  199. SolDucky said...

    I'd love to get savings from the duck pin bowling place near us, or from the Thai Spice by us.

  200. SolDucky said...

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