Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Lansinoh Variety Pack *GIVEAWAY* Day 1

9:31 AM Posted by Erin


If you're a nursing mom, you know the damage those little piranha's angels can wreak on the boobies; sore cracked nips and the pain associated with the period of adjusting to breastfeeding has caused many a mother to discontinue breastfeeding even before she's fully adjusted to what breastfeeding entails. Lansinoh Lanolin was one of several products that helped me get through those first early weeks.Not only is Lansinoh Lanolin the only soothing topical nipple cream endorsed in the U.S. by La Leche Legue International as it's 100% pure without preservatives or additives of any kind which means you don't have to worry about cleaning it off before nursing as it's completely safe for baby to taste because of the intensive purification Lansinoh's Lanolin undergoes. Lansinoh doesn't stop at nipple creams either. They also create some of the most absorbant Disposible Nursing Pads on the market and as any mom knows there is nothing worse than two wet spots drenching your shirt as new baby wails stimulating letdown. Their nursing pads are perfect to keep you feeling safe, confident, and dry all day long.

One newer product from Lansinoh that I would've loved to try in my early nursing days was their Latch Assist, a simple tool that lightly and gently suctions flat nipples causing them to protrude just long enough for baby to latch. Flat nipples were one of our biggest challenges in keeping my daughter latched, and if I'd known of this invention, I'd surely have tried it out! Instead I used a nipple shield and received many admonishments from LC's who said I was ruining my chances to nurse by having her attach to an artificial nipple. I truly wish I'd had the chance to see the Latch Assist in action.

Finally, one of the most important products any nursing mom needs is a great pump. Lansinoh's Manual Breast Pump is the perfect pump for obtaining a small amount of milk to add to baby's rice cereal and when mom needs to be separated from baby for just a short period of time. It's also terrific for traveling when you can't haul your larger pump around. The unique ComfortSeal cushion creates a secure seal for more comfortable and efficient pumping. The ergonomic handle and lightweight compact design allow for easy one-handed use and all parts are BPA free.

And lastly what to do with your stored milk? I loved, loved, love Lansinoh's storage bags and used them exclusively during my pumping time. Their bags are incredibly durable, and the zipper-lock closure kept this mom from crying over any spilled milk (true story, it's happened when I tried another brand and I literally did cry). Lansinoh's milk storage bags on the other hand, never let me down.

Find Lansinoh's products at just about any drugstore, baby superstore, and mass retailer near you. Be sure to visit their website as well for a plethora of breastfeeding tips, tricks, and solutions.

Want It? Win It!
Lansinoh is generously offering one lucky winner EVERYTHING mentioned in this post including the Lansinoh Lanolin, Disposible Nursing Pads, Latch Assist, Manual Breast Pump, and their wonderful Lansinoh storage bags.

The Details: One lucky winner will receive all the items mentioned in this post sponsored by Lansinoh. The Rules: Visit Lansinoh and tell me one other product you feel would make breastfeeding easier for you.

Try, Try again... Second Chances:
**Follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

** Follow This
Mom Can Shop on Twitter and tweet RT @thismomcanshop @lansinoh Win Lansinoh Breastfeeding starter kit $60 RTv #Breastfeeding PARTY GIVEAWAY All week long!http://tinyurl.com/nt5sak
You may do so once a day for extra entries.
**Grab my Best For Breast Carnival Button for your site- and sign the linky 5 extra entries for each contest. Tweet the carnival info for 3 extra entries. You may do so once a day for extra entries.
** Blog about this contest linking back to this contest and leave a separate comment.
** Add my button to your sidebar and tell me so.

The Nitty Gritty:
*Winners are chosen randomly, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
*contest ends September 15th, 9 pm EST. Winner will be posted within 48 hours.
*open to US AND CANADA! only.
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.


  1. 1. Mary said...

    The Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads would be helpful.

    mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. 2. Karen said...

    Definitely a double electric pump. While I'm not BF anymore, I have a coworker who is pregnant with twins and would love to be able to help her in her journey.


    karen110480 @ comcast.net

  3. 3. Unknown said...

    I love the Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads


  4. 4. Unknown said...

    I have your button on my blog


  5. 5. robin said...

    I'd like to try one of the electric pumps... first timer due in November!
    Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

  6. 6. robin said...

    I am a follower!

    Whoops! Here's my address:

    rchonig [at] yahoo dot com

  7. 7. robin said...

    And I've got your button on my friends page!

    rchonig [at] yahoo dot com

  8. 8. Kim said...

    I think the manual breast pump they offer would be AWESOME!

  9. 9. mverno said...

    double electric pump mverno@roadrunner.com

  10. 10. Anonymous said...

    The Lansinoh wipes please!!! They have several functions as breast wipes, or baby bum wipes and overall clean up wipe. The all-in-one wipe!

  11. 11. roxxyroller said...

    Lansinoh® Double Electric Breast Pump would be awesome and make things so much easier in my crazy household!

  12. 12. roxxyroller said...

    I follow you on Twitter!

  13. 13. roxxyroller said...

    I tweeted this cool giveaway!


  14. 14. roxxyroller said...

    I follow your blog!

  15. 15. roxxyroller said...

    I would love to win this, please enter me in the giveaway, thanks!

  16. 16. Unknown said...

    Lansinoh has so many wonderful products! I would love to have the manual breast pump and nursing pads, lanolin cream, etc. I am due in 3 wks!!

  17. 17. Elita said...

    I used their double electric pump when I went back to work and loved it. They have the most amazing customer service too!

  18. 18. Elita said...

    I follow you & tweeted.

  19. 19. April said...

    I think the gel pads would be great!


  20. 20. Unknown said...

    I think that the Soothies gel nursing pads would be nice....so you dont have to worry about leaking. That would definately make breastfeeding easier.
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  21. 21. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog (annamie2)
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  22. 22. Heather said...

    Gel pad and the storage bags seem like a must for any breast feeding mommy


  23. 23. Chrissyb said...

    I would use the soothies gel pad.


  24. 24. Unknown said...

    i follow thismomcanshop on twitter and tweeted about it @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  25. 25. Lucy said...

    I am trying to breastfeed again! My kids really need all the benefits from my breast milk, and this giveaway would be perfect to get me back on track.

    One of my favorites are the double electric pump, disposable nursing pads, and lasinoh lanolin.


  26. 26. Ashlee Stucki said...

    The Lansinoh double electric pump is on my shopping list before this baby comes in December.

  27. 27. Ashlee Stucki said...

    I'm following your blog!


  28. 28. Unknown said...

    I grabbed your best for breast button and signed mr. linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  29. 29. Unknown said...

    #2 entry for best for breast button and mr. linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  30. 30. Unknown said...

    #3 entry for best for breast button and mr. linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  31. 31. Unknown said...

    #4 entry for best for breast button and mr. linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  32. 32. Unknown said...

    #5 entry for best for breast button and mr. linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  33. 33. Unknown said...

    tweeted about breast awareness month carnival @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  34. 34. Unknown said...

    #2 entry for tweeting about breast awareness month carnival

  35. 35. Unknown said...

    #3 entry for tweeting about breast awareness month carnival @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  36. 36. Unknown said...

    I blogged about your contest at http://mylittlestgravesies.blogspot.com/
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  37. 37. Unknown said...

    I added your button to my blog
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  38. 38. Jess said...

    ohoh being preggo with #5 I could so use this I think the gel pads would be something nice & soothing

  39. 39. Jess said...

    tweet http://twitter.com/5kids4now/status/3537536161

  40. 40. RR said...

    Definitely the double electric pump. Great giveaway.

  41. 41. Kellie said...

    definitely the gel pads!

  42. 42. Kellie said...

    I blogged about the giveaway


  43. 43. mogrill said...

    The Gel pads are cool! Thanks for the chance.

  44. 44. JoyFilled said...

    I think the Soothies gel pads would be wonderful!!

    lukeandbryn AT gmail DOT com

  45. 45. JoyFilled said...

    I follow!

    lukeandbryn AT gmail DOT com

  46. 46. Unknown said...

    the soothie gel pads!

  47. 47. jamie said...

    One other lansinoh product that would be great for breastfeeding are the gel soothies. A nursing cover-up would be super!!! Army_mom_0f_2@yahoo.com

  48. 48. Thao said...

    The lactation consultant at the hospital gave me a sample of the Soothies and they were a lifesaver.

    member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com

  49. 49. Thao said...

    I follow in blogger/google reader
    member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com

  50. 50. Thao said...

    member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com

  51. 51. Thao said...

    Your carnival button is here

    member (dot) thao (at) gmail.com

  52. 52. purplepassion126 said...

    The Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads are great for easing the soreness and irritation associated with breastfeeding.

  53. 53. purplepassion126 said...

    I follow your blog on google friend connect

  54. 54. purplepassion126 said...

    Following on twitter as purplepassion12 and tweeted

  55. 55. Unknown said...

    tweet @ gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  56. 56. Unknown said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/gravsie3/status/3580942404
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  57. 57. Abby said...

    Soothies! I had those last time around and they were wonderful. I kept them in the fridge and they felt great those first few weeks!

    abbyandygaige (at) gmail (dot) com

  58. 58. Abby said...


  59. 59. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #1!


  60. 60. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #2!


  61. 61. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #3!


  62. 62. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #4!


  63. 63. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #5!


  64. 64. stella said...

    Would love to try out an electric pump for BF!

  65. 65. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  66. 66. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    Oooh lansinoh wipes would be nice!
    mdec07 yahoo com

  67. 67. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    i follow your blog

  68. 68. Whitney said...

    I loved my Lansinoh Lanolin when I had my son & was breastfeeding. I would also like to try their Soothie gel pads.

  69. 69. Whitney said...


  70. 70. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  71. 71. Gigi said...

    I got a lot of use out of the Lansinoh® Clean & Condition Cloths™ when I pumped at work w/ dd #1. A sink was a long way away and I didn't always have time to wash out the pump equipment.
    thanks! ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

  72. 72. Gigi said...

    I follow. ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

  73. 73. Gigi said...

    ruth dot gray at gmail dot com

  74. 74. Anonymous said...


    I would like
    the gel pads.


  75. 75. Dee said...

    I have been breastfeeding my baby girl for 3 weeks now and it has been pretty painful for me. I would LOVE to try the soothies too. Someone told me about them but I was never able to find them in the stores!

  76. 76. Dee said...

    I follow you!

  77. 77. Dee said...

    I have your carnival button up!

  78. 78. Unknown said...

    I know this isn't for breastfeeding, but their diaper rash cream is great!!! I got a sample in my breast pads and loved it. It is so soothing and cleared up all the redness my little man had.
    melissagmeyer512 at gmail dot com

  79. 79. Unknown said...

    I follow you now.
    melissagmeyer512 at gmail dot com

  80. 80. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  81. 81. Ellen C. said...

    If my second baby will be like my first I will definitely need the soothies to make nursing easier. thanks for the chance.

    sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com

  82. 82. Unknown said...

    The Soothies Gel Pads sound great

  83. 83. Unknown said...

    Follow your blog

  84. 84. MommaM said...

    The Lanolin Breast Cream is a must. shreve_mary@yahoo.com

  85. 85. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  86. 86. Betsy B. Honest said...

    The gel pads worked great for me to recover from latch problems with my #2 baby. Now I'm gearing up for #3!

  87. 87. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  88. 88. Unknown said...

    tweeted carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  89. 89. Anonymous said...

    The gel pads. I've used "other" brands, but would like to try theirs.

  90. 90. supermax said...

    electric pumps

  91. 91. Chrissyb said...

    Im a follower.


  92. 92. Jess said...

    grabbed the button & signed the linky #1

  93. 93. Jess said...

    carnival button #2

  94. 94. Jess said...

    carnival button #3

  95. 95. Jess said...

    carnival button #4

  96. 96. Jess said...

    carnival button #5

  97. 97. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #1

  98. 98. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #2

  99. 99. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #3

  100. 100. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  101. 101. Kathleen Romans said...

    I would love to have any or all of these products! I am getting ready to deliver fri!


  102. 102. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  103. 103. Anonymous said...

    I think the Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads sound like they would be very helpful.

  104. 104. Lauren said...

    In addition to the products mentioned, the Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads look amazing - I think the cooling will be really helpful in those early painful days!

  105. 105. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  106. 106. Heidi said...

    I think the Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bottles would be helpful too!

  107. 107. rebecca said...

    I'd love to try their Diaper rash ointment. I actually used to use their lanolin on my son's bum sometimes!

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  108. 108. Unknown said...

    The soothie gel pads would be ideal!!

  109. 109. Unknown said...


  110. 110. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog.

  111. 111. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  112. 112. Unknown said...

    tweeted for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  113. 113. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  114. 114. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  115. 115. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  116. 116. Unknown said...


  117. 117. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  118. 118. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  119. 119. Unknown said...

    Oh, I'd love this! How great of you and Lansinoh to offer. I am a second time surrogate who will be pumping and donating my milk (again). I could very much use this!!! :D

    The Lansinoh® Clean & Condition Cloths would be great as well. They clean pump parts when you're out and about which is helpful!!


  120. 120. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  121. 121. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  122. 122. Unknown said...


  123. 123. Dreamin' said...


    Please enter me!


    Wanna Doo 22572 @ aol . com

  124. 124. Luv to Save said...

    I would love to own the Double Electric Breast Pump. It will help me a lot when pumping at work since I only have 30 mins. break.

    luvtosave at gmail.com

  125. 125. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  126. 126. Luv to Save said...

    I follow you on twitter and tweeted
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  127. 127. Luv to Save said...

    Grabbed you Best For Breast Carnival Button and I signed the linky
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  128. 128. Luv to Save said...

    Grabbed you Best For Breast Carnival Button and I signed the linky
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  129. 129. Luv to Save said...

    Grabbed you Best For Breast Carnival Button and I signed the linky
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  130. 130. Luv to Save said...

    Grabbed you Best For Breast Carnival Button and I signed the linky
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  131. 131. Luv to Save said...

    Grabbed you Best For Breast Carnival Button and I signed the linky
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  132. 132. Luv to Save said...

    tweeted the carnival info
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  133. 133. Luv to Save said...

    tweeted the carnival info
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  134. 134. Luv to Save said...

    tweeted the carnival info
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  135. 135. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  136. 136. Luv to Save said...

    daily tweet
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  137. 137. Luv to Save said...

    daily tweet of the carnival info #1
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  138. 138. Luv to Save said...

    daily tweet of the carnival info #2
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  139. 139. Luv to Save said...

    daily tweet of the carnival info #3
    luvtosave at gmail.com

  140. 140. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  141. 141. Erica G said...

    The storage bottles would make it easier for me. Thanks!

    egeca (at) hotmail {dot} com

  142. 142. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  143. 143. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  144. 144. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  145. 145. Unknown said...


  146. 146. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  147. 147. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  148. 148. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  149. 149. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  150. 150. Jaime said...

    i really wanted to try the soothies gel pads I think they would help a lot with sore nipples

  151. 151. Jaime said...

    i follow your blog

  152. 152. Jaime said...

    i follow you on twitter and tweeted http://twitter.com/thelightsgodown/status/3971915398

  153. 153. Jaime said...

    i have your button on my blog chrisandjaime.blogspot.com #1

  154. 154. Jaime said...

    i have your button on my blog chrisandjaime.blogspot.com #2

  155. 155. Jaime said...

    i have your button on my blog chrisandjaime.blogspot.com #3

  156. 156. Jaime said...

    i have your button on my blog chrisandjaime.blogspot.com #4

  157. 157. Jaime said...

    i have your button on my blog chrisandjaime.blogspot.com #5

  158. 158. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  159. 159. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  160. 160. yyeres said...

    The Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads look very helpfil. yyeres(at)gmail(dot)Com

  161. 161. Molly K said...

    I would love to get the Lansinoh® Double Electric Breast Pump as well.

  162. 162. Lisa Garner said...

    I'm due in Jan. and will be breastfeeding. From previous experience I know leaking was a big problem for me so I would love to try the Ultra Soft Nursing Pads!
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  163. 163. Lisa Garner said...

    I'm following you on Twitter user lisalmg and Tweeted this giveaway! http://twitter.com/lisalmg/status/3992199399
    lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

  164. 164. Kate said...

    The Soothie gel pads look helpful!


  165. 165. chazvgo said...

    The Lansinoh® Double Electric Breast Pump would be great, Thanks :)

  166. 166. Dawn Reid said...

    I'd like to try one of the electric pumps

  167. 167. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  168. 168. susansmoaks said...

    the soothies by lasinoh gel pads look nice

  169. 169. susansmoaks said...


  170. 170. susansmoaks said...


  171. 171. cman said...

    Double Electric Breast Pump for helping with nursing my twins :)

  172. 172. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  173. 173. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  174. 174. Miranda Ward said...

    The soothies!!

  175. 175. Kathy P said...

    i like the Soothies® by Lansinoh® Gel Pads

  176. 176. Kathy P said...

    following your blog as klp1965
    kathy pease

  177. 177. Kathy P said...


  178. 178. lilyk said...

    The Diaper Rash Ointment looks very nice!

  179. 179. artmarcia said...

    In addition to all the Lansinoh goodies which I would love to win for my daughter-in-law, I would also like the Lansinoh® Breastmilk Storage Bottles.

  180. 180. artmarcia said...

    I'm a follower of your blog.

  181. 181. masonsgranny59 said...

    The Lansinoh® Double Electric Breast Pump would be nice:)