National Grandparents Day: Yiayia
4:53 PM Posted by Erin

Most people I know have "issues" with their mother-in-laws, I am so fortunate to have my husband's mom Yiayia (Greek for Grandma). She is a lovely woman, always supportive, never insinuating. The daughter of Greek immigrants, Yiayia has raised four children and is the proud grandmother of ten intelligent grandchildren. My Rachel is number NINE!
9/13/09, 5:16 PM
Cute! Thanks for reminding me of grandparents day!!!
9/13/09, 6:19 PM
Awww Great pic! It's nice not to argue with the in-laws isn't it? I got lucky there too.
9/13/09, 10:45 PM
Aww, great picture and I love the name Yiayia.