Saturday, March 01, 2025

Hygeia Breastpump GIVEAWAY Sponsored By Mommy Gear

4:10 PM Posted by Erin

Never have I met a mother who has said "I just love pumping! It rocks!" It pretty much doesn't, it's a lot of work. It borderline sucks (pun intended). Now I do love breastfeeding and I loved that my daughter received my milk while we were separated since I had to return to work after three months. I pumped for her just over a year, I wasn't crazy about doing it though as it gave me weird cow-like feelings but I did LOVE my pump and I'm fairly certain I'd have loved the new Hygeia Enjoye LBI pumps sold by breastfeeding boutique Mommy Gear even more.

EnJoye-LBI™ Internal Rechargeable BatteryThe EnJoyeBreastpump is a professional-grade electric/battery double pump that is designed for long-term and frequent pumping needs such as working mothers. What makes the Hygeia Enjoye pump so special? First Check out these innovative features you won't find on most other pumps:

•Proven performance for working moms with long-term and frequent pumping needs

•Your satisfaction is guaranteed with Hygeia's Total Compatibility Guarantee
•Features the unique Hygeia CARE Button for Customized, Audio, Recording, Experience--You can record your baby or other sound to enhance your breastpumping experience
•Offers single or double pumping flexibility
•Electric or battery operation with the included external battery pack uses 8 AA batteries.
•Green Breastpump--Can be shared by multiple mothers when each has her own personal accessory set. Recycle the EnJoye when you no longer need it. See recycling instructions.
•Mimics your baby’s unique suckling patterns with customizable speed and pressure controls
•Safe, because all parts that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA/DEHP Free
•Stylish Black Microfiber Bag w/ Gray Accents has Lots of Storage Space
•Pumps Both Breasts Simultaneously

Several factors worth mentioning again make the Hygeia Enjoye breastpump top of the line. It's Green which means it can be recycled from mother-to-mother and passed along once you've completed pumping! There are only TWO personal use breastpumps approved by the FDA for multiple users when each mother has her own personal accessory set. And just so you know, those TWO aren't the most common ones mom's are passing around between each other either. By using a breastpump that is not approved for sharing, you are placing your infant at great risk for very serious health complications. Approval for multi users also makes this a great pump for an employer to have on hand when more than one woman is pumping.

Hygeia pumps come with a three week satisfaction guarantee. No other pump on the market does this. If you buy a Hygeia Enjoye pump and decide this is not the one for you or pumping is not something you can do, you have the ability to make an exchange or get your full money back. They further offer a three year limited warranty. You won't worry if it breaks which makes it even better for sharing.

Make your pumping experience the best possible with a company that obviously cares about the health and happiness of mom and baby. Purchase your Hygeia Enjoye pump at Mommy Gear where it is the least expensive around with sales of the base model beginning at $199.

Want It? Win It!
The very generous Dawn from Mommy Gear and Hygeia Pumps would like to give one very lucky momma the amazing top-of-the-line Hygeia Enjoye-LBI kit which includes the stylish black microfiber bag with storage space. Average retail value of the Hygeia Enjoye-LBI pump is $299 but currently available at Mommy Gear for the sale price of $269.

The Details: One very fortunate winner will receive the Hygeia Enjoye LBI breastfeeding kit from Mommy Gear. The Rules: Visit Mommy Gear and tell me one other product you'd love to have.

Try, Try again... Second Chances:
**Follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

** Follow This
Mom Can Shop and Mommy Gear on Twitter and tweet RT Need a pump? @thismomcanshop @mommygear win a $300 Hygeia Breastpump from MommyGear #Breastfeeding #bfing
You may do so once a day for extra entries.
**Grab my Best For Breast Carnival Button for your site- and sign the linky 5 extra entries into each contest. Tweet the Carnival info for 3 extra entries to each contest. You may do so once a day for extra entries.
** Blog about this contest linking back to this contest and leave a separate comment.
** Buy any product from Mommy Gear for 10 extra entries and send me the link to your purchase.

The Nitty Gritty:
*Winners are chosen randomly, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
*contest ends September 17th, 9 pm EST. Winner will be posted within 48 hours.
*open to US residents only!
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 382   Newer›   Newest»
  1. 1. Sylvia said...

    I like the baby legs

  2. 2. Lucy said...

    I had the Medela breast pump, and it was great. Now that I am trying to get back into the breastfeeding mode; I regret the day I gave it away...

    The Hygeia looks very similar. Would love to try it!

  3. 3. Jacylann Nix said...

    I love all of the nursing tops!! i see a few id love to have

  4. 4. Jacylann Nix said...

    I follow your blog

  5. 5. Emily @ Baby Dickey said...

    I love the organic maya wrap baby sling!

  6. 6. Emily @ Baby Dickey said...

    I follow your blog

  7. 7. Sashafras said...

    I want one of the Maya Wrap Lighty Padded Baby Sling. So cool that you can use them for toddlers too!

  8. 8. Sashafras said...

    I follow your blog!

  9. 9. froggycreations said...

    I love the nursing dresses, they are amazing looking!

    email is sandravolenec at gmail dot com

  10. 10. Amanda said...

    I Like the Majamas Genevieve Nursing Dress.

  11. 11. jlmk said...

    Also love the lightly padded Maya wrap baby sling.

  12. 12. robin said...

    Some of the nursing clothes are really cute and stylish, especially the dresses! I'd never think to look for something like that!

    rchonig [at] yahoo dot com

  13. 13. robin said...

    I am a follower!!!

    rchonig [at] yahoo dot com

  14. 14. Ashlee Stucki said...

    The lift up nursing tops are so wonderful.

  15. 15. itsme said...

    i like the bravado exquisite nursing bra

  16. 16. Unknown said...

    I would love to have some of the Trumpette Toddler Socks....they are SO cute
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  17. 17. itsme said... tweeted and became a follower

  18. 18. Unknown said...

    I follow both on twitter and tweeted at
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  19. 19. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #1
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  20. 20. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #2
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  21. 21. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  22. 22. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #4
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  23. 23. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #5
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  24. 24. Unknown said...

    tweeted about the carnival #1 @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  25. 25. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #2
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  26. 26. Unknown said...

    I have the best for breast button and signed mr linky #3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  27. 27. Tena said...

    I would love to have one of the Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover

  28. 28. Tena said...

    I follow your blog

  29. 29. Tena said...

    following both of you on twitter and here is my tweet

  30. 30. Tena said...

    **Grab ur Best For Breast Carnival Button and signed Mr Linky


  31. 31. Tena said...

    **Grab ur Best For Breast Carnival Button and signed Mr Linky


  32. 32. Tena said...

    **Grab ur Best For Breast Carnival Button and signed Mr Linky


  33. 33. Tena said...

    **Grab ur Best For Breast Carnival Button and signed Mr Linky


  34. 34. Tena said...

    **Grab ur Best For Breast Carnival Button and signed Mr Linky


  35. 35. MOMFOREVERANDEVER said...

    Maya Wrap Lighty Padded Baby Sling & Free Demo DVD

  36. 36. Mysharona said...

    I like the organic maya wrap baby sling

  37. 37. Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

    I really want the maya baby wrap swimg

  38. 38. Liz said...

    They also carry REALLY cute baby slings!

  39. 39. Liz said...

    I am a follower :)

  40. 40. Laurah said...

    I would love to get the Organic Maya Wrap Baby Sling in Sea Glass!

  41. 41. Taylor said...

    I would like a nursing top like the Casual Henley top. Cute!

    godawesome at aol dot com

  42. 42. Taylor said...

    I tweeted! taygirl7

    godawesome at aol dot com

  43. 43. Unknown said...

    blogged about giveaway
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  44. 44. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  45. 45. Carrie said...

    I like the Gwen nursing dress.

  46. 46. Tarah said...

    I would love to have the Comfy Nursing Boxer P.J. Set


  47. 47. Kaitlin said...

    I like the Bebe au Lait Nursing Cover it is very cute. This website carries a lot of great products that moms need and is all in one place. kaitlin5m[at]

  48. 48. mogrill said...

    I love the Organic Maya Wrap Sling!! Thanks for the chance.

  49. 49. K, Wife & Mommy! said...

    I'd love the Hygeia pump or a gift certificate to Mommy Gear.

  50. 50. K, Wife & Mommy! said...

    Oops,I forgot to leave my email address, it's

  51. 51. Unknown said...

    One item I would like is the Milkies Milk-Saver.

  52. 52. jes c. said...

    THE Organic Maya Wrap Baby Sling

  53. 53. itsme said...

    tweeted today

  54. 54. Anonymous said...

    I'd also like to have the Majamas M.J.s Pajamas Set. Thanks for the giveaway!

  55. 55. Anonymous said...

    I follow your blog on Google Friend Connect (Sunny View)!

  56. 56. Anonymous said...

    I follow both on twitter and tweeted:

  57. 57. Anonymous said...

    I blogged:

  58. 58. danaymarie said...

    I would like the Majamas Easy Nursing Bra, a comfy night bra while nursing is a must!

  59. 59. Taylor said...

    Daily tweet!

    godawesome at aol dot com

  60. 60. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  61. 61. Marie said...

    I'd love to try the May Wrap Lightly Padded Sling. Very stylish for mommy and baby, plus I like the hands free option. Would have more time to entertain my older girls.

  62. 62. monica said...

    I like the Comfy Nursing Boxer P.J. Set.
    monicabozsik (at) yahoo (dot) com

  63. 63. itsme said...

    daily tweet

  64. 64. Tena said...

    8/28 tweet

  65. 65. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I'd love a nursing top!
    mdec07 yahoo com

  66. 66. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I follow your blog

  67. 67. Taylor said...

    Daily tweet!

    godawesome at aol dot com

  68. 68. Taylor said...

    Added button to blog and signed linky. #1

    godawesome at aol dot com

  69. 69. Taylor said...

    Added button to blog and signed linky. #2

    godawesome at aol dot com

  70. 70. Taylor said...

    Added button to blog and signed linky. #3

    godawesome at aol dot com

  71. 71. Taylor said...

    Added button to blog and signed linky. #4

    godawesome at aol dot com

  72. 72. Taylor said...

    Added button to blog and signed linky. #5

    godawesome at aol dot com

  73. 73. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  74. 74. itsme said... daily tweet

  75. 75. Anonymous said...


    I love the Maya wrap
    lighty padded baby sling.

  76. 76. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  77. 77. Sweepaholic said...

    I visited and would love to have one of their nursing dresses! I've never thought of such a thing and that makes me excited about still being fashionable when breastfeeding!

  78. 78. Sweepaholic said...

    I'm following your blog

  79. 79. Sweepaholic said...

    I blogged:

  80. 80. Sweepaholic said...

    I tweeted about this giveaway:

  81. 81. Sweepaholic said...

    I tweeted about the carnival:

  82. 82. Sweepaholic said...

    I grabbed your Best For Breast Carnival Button:

  83. 83. Sweepaholic said...

    I signed the linky for your Best For Breast Carnival Button (under Kendra)

  84. 84. Sweepaholic said...

    I follow your blog (sweepaholic)

  85. 85. itsme said...

    daily tweet

  86. 86. alexisd said...

    I would love to have the Goddett Goddess nursing dress.

  87. 87. MommaM said...

    I am in dire need of a breast pump and all the associate goodies. So I would definitely say any of these would really help me out.

  88. 88. MommaM said...

    Blog follower.

  89. 89. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  90. 90. danielle said...

    I would love to win the La Leche Leauge Strapless Nursing Bra. I have been looking everywhere for one!

  91. 91. itsme said... daily tweet

  92. 92. Natalie said...

    I like the Majamas M.J.s Pajamas Set

  93. 93. Natalie said...

    I would love The Marilyn Nursing Dress

  94. 94. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  95. 95. Unknown said...

    tweeted carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  96. 96. itsme said...

    todays tweet

  97. 97. Jess said...

    whats not to love? the nursing clothes the moby wrap etc

    my pump died with R & being preggo again I NEED one!

  98. 98. mary beth said...

    i like Majamas Genevieve Nursing Dress

  99. 99. mary beth said...

    I follow your blog

  100. 100. mary beth said...

    i follow you on twitter

  101. 101. supermax said...

    organic maya wrap baby sling

  102. 102. Chrissyb said...

    I lilke the Maya wrap baby sling.


  103. 103. Chrissyb said...

    Im a follower.


  104. 104. itsme said...

    daily tweet

  105. 105. itsme said...

    carnival tweet #1

  106. 106. itsme said...

    carnival twweet #2

  107. 107. itsme said...

    carnival tweet #3

  108. 108. Taylor said...

    Tweeted Carnival:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  109. 109. Taylor said...

    Tweeted Carnival:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  110. 110. Taylor said...

    Tweeted Carnival:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  111. 111. Jess said...


  112. 112. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #1

  113. 113. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #2

  114. 114. Jess said...

    tweeted the carnival #3

  115. 115. Jess said...

    Got your carnival button & signed the linky (its on the left side)

  116. 116. Jess said...

    Got your carnival button & signed the linky (its on the left side)

  117. 117. Jess said...

    Got your carnival button & signed the linky (its on the left side)

  118. 118. Jess said...

    Got your carnival button & signed the linky (its on the left side)

  119. 119. Jess said...

    Got your carnival button & signed the linky (its on the left side)

  120. 120. RosieLayne said...

    I would buy the Majama Softest Nursing Top... looks delightful!

    mary at upstatenaturalbirth dot com

  121. 121. RosieLayne said...

    I follow your blog!

    mary at upstatenaturalbirth dot com

  122. 122. RosieLayne said...

    I follow you both on Twitter as @RosieLayne and RT the giveaway!

    mary at upstatenaturalbirth dot com

  123. 123. Unknown said...
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  124. 124. sunnymum said...

    I'd love to have the Majamas Juniper Nursing Dress. The skylight purple is a pretty color and no one would ever guess it's nursing-wear!

  125. 125. sunnymum said...

    I'm following on blogger.

  126. 126. sunnymum said...

    (1) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky

  127. 127. sunnymum said...

    (2) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky

  128. 128. sunnymum said...

    (3) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky

  129. 129. sunnymum said...

    (4) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky

  130. 130. sunnymum said...

    (5) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky

  131. 131. Sweepaholic said...


  132. 132. itsme said...

    daily tweet

  133. 133. itsme said...

    carnival tweet #1

  134. 134. itsme said...

    carnival tweet #2

  135. 135. itsme said...

    carnival tweet #3

  136. 136. Sweepaholic said...


  137. 137. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  138. 138. Taylor said...


    godawesome at aol dot com

  139. 139. Taylor said...

    Breast carnival tweet:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  140. 140. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted carnival:

  141. 141. Rebecca Orr said...

    I like the night wear nursing options. I def. need something like this for my next baby.

  142. 142. Rebecca Orr said...

    I follow your blog!

  143. 143. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted carnival:

  144. 144. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted about the pump:

  145. 145. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  146. 146. Lauren said...

    I'd also love the Majamas Genevieve Nursing Dress in classic black.

  147. 147. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  148. 148. Heidi said...

    The La Leche League Sleep Nursing Bra looks comfy!

  149. 149. Katy said...

    What a fabulous giveaway. I'm looking for a double electric pump so that I can donate breastmilk. I would love to win!! I also would love to have the Oxford Wrap Nursing Top!

    katy at

  150. 150. Katy said...

    I'm following!

    katy at (though the main address on my Google acct is at

  151. 151. itsme said...


  152. 152. itsme said...

    Tweeted entry 1

  153. 153. itsme said...

    Tweeted entry 2

  154. 154. itsme said...

    Tweeted entry 3

  155. 155. ~Sandy~ said...

    i would love to try any of the nursing bras because they come in large sizes! lol :)

  156. 156. ~Sandy~ said...

    i follow your blog <3

  157. 157. ~Sandy~ said...

    follow everyone on twitter and tweeted too!

  158. 158. Elizabeth said...

    I would buy some cute pediped shoes for my little girl on Mommy Gear!

  159. 159. Elizabeth said...

    I follow your blog publicly!

  160. 160. Elizabeth said...

    I follow as @Shera_Mama and tweeted

  161. 161. rebecca said...

    I love the Stylish Wrap nursing top. I always wanted a nursing top, but I just layered. This pump looks FABULOUS!

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  162. 162. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted Carnival:

  163. 163. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted about the pump:

  164. 164. Unknown said...


  165. 165. Unknown said...

    I would also love to have the Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover!

  166. 166. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog.

  167. 167. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  168. 168. twbellamy said...

    I like the lightly padded Maya wrap baby sling.

  169. 169. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  170. 170. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted the pump:

  171. 171. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted carnival:

  172. 172. Anonymous said...

    I would love to have some nursing tops.

  173. 173. Anonymous said...

    I follow your blog

  174. 174. Anonymous said...

    Follow both and tweeted

  175. 175. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 1

  176. 176. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 2

  177. 177. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 3

  178. 178. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 3

  179. 179. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 4

  180. 180. Anonymous said...

    I have the best for breast button on my site and signed linky

    entry 5

  181. 181. Anonymous said...

    tweeted for carnival

    entry 1

  182. 182. Anonymous said...

    tweeted for carnival

    entry 2

  183. 183. Anonymous said...

    tweeted for carnival

    entry 3

  184. 184. Anonymous said...

    blogged about it

  185. 185. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  186. 186. Taylor said...

    Daily carnival tweet:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  187. 187. Unknown said...


  188. 188. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted carnival:

  189. 189. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted pump:

  190. 190. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  191. 191. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  192. 192. Taylor said...

    Carnival tweet:

    godawesome at aol dot com

  193. 193. itsme said... daily tweet

  194. 194. itsme said... carnival tweet #1

  195. 195. itsme said... carnival tweet #2

  196. 196. itsme said... carnival tweet #3

  197. 197. Unknown said...

    Daily Tweet:

  198. 198. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted pump:

  199. 199. Sweepaholic said...

    Tweeted carnival:

  200. 200. Taylor said...

    Daily carnival tweet:

    godawesome at aol dot com

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