The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding *GIVEAWAY*
8:14 PM Posted by Erin

What's Inside:
•How to prepare for breastfeeding before your baby arrives
•What to expect at the hospital once your baby is born
•Tips & techniques for comfortable, effective breastfeeding
•Solutions for common breastfeeding problems
•Strategies for combining breastfeeding & working
•Healthy lifestyle choices while breastfeeding
•Guidelines for weaning
•An extensive list of resources for breastfeeding information & support
My Take: I found the book's sections to be well structured. Although it may seen like a lot of information at first, the index made subjects I searched easy to find by topic. Dr. Mom writes with informed knowledge of her subject matter as well as emotion, sensitivity and depth. This book is a sure read for any nursing mother who likes to be prepared and also makes a great gift for first time mommies. Purchase Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding in your local bookstore or at for under $12.
Want It? Win It!
One winner will receive their own copy of The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding.
The Details: One lucky winner will win their own copy of Great Expectations: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding by Marianne Neifert, MD. The Rules: Tell me why you'd like to have this book.
Try, Try again... Second Chances:
**Follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.
** Follow This Mom Can Shop on Twitter and tweet RT @thismomcanshop #bfing#breastfeeding win the book by Dr. Mom Essential Guide to Breastfeeding. PARTY! You may do so once a day for extra entries.
**Grab my Best For Breast Carnival Button for your site- and sign the linky 5 extra entries into each contest. Tweet the Carnival info for 3 extra entries to each contest. You may tweet each day for extra entries.
** Blog about this contest linking back to this contest and leave a separate comment.
The Nitty Gritty:
*Winners are chosen randomly, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
*contest ends September 19th, 9 pm EST. Winner will be posted within 48 hours.
*open to US residents only!
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.
8/30/09, 9:26 PM
I'd love to have this book because I plan on breastfeeding our first--due in Decemeber--and will take all the tips I can get!!!
8/30/09, 9:26 PM
I follow this blog
8/30/09, 10:38 PM
I want to win this book because I am an aspiring doula and it would be a great book to have in my library to loan to clients.
8/30/09, 10:38 PM
I'm a follower!
8/30/09, 10:39 PM
I follow on Twitter and tweeted!
8/31/09, 1:08 PM
I will be having my first babies - yes babies! Twins! I do plan on breast feeding. I know it can be done with two, but will need some help. Books are a great place to start.
9/2/09, 1:47 AM
Im a first time mommy with a boy due in Nov. This would really come in handy for me!!
9/2/09, 1:47 AM
Im a follower.
9/2/09, 9:07 PM
I'd love to win this to give it to my friend who is expecting her first child in November and has all sorts of questions about breastfeeding. I know there's still a lot I can learn (currently nursing #2), but I think she'd get more use out of the book.
9/3/09, 11:49 PM
I was only able to breastfeed my son for a couple of weeks because I was having trouble with him latching on. I would really like to fully breastfeed my next baby without any trouble. I think that this book would really help, considering I didn't really have anyone to guide me with my son. Thanks for the chance!
9/3/09, 11:50 PM
I follow this blog!
9/4/09, 10:39 AM
I'd love to have this book b/c I'm due with my first at the end of september and know I'll need all the help I can get! I don't have breastfeeding friends nearby and think this could be really great resource.
9/4/09, 11:14 AM
My husband and I are currently trying to conceive and I would like to learn all I can about breastfeeding before baby is born!
9/4/09, 7:59 PM
Wow. I'm still nursing my first son at 17 months and we've had a really tough go of it. I still struggle with painful nursing sessions and poor latch. I'd love to read up so that hopefully next time it will go more smoothly
gitrecca at gmail dot com