Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Mommy Necklaces *GIVEAWAY* Day 2

2:37 AM Posted by Erin


Every nursing mother knows that at a certain age breastfed babies get distracted. They want to see what's going on in the world around them and settling down to nurse may not always be their first priority. Often times once they are prepared to nurse, they will pull hair, pinch skin, or like my daughter try to grab the other boob... they just can't seem to figure out what to do with those little hands. Realizing her own daughter was able to slow down and focus long enough for a quality session only when twiddling her jewelry inspired momma Raelynn to create not only nursing necklaces to keep baby occupied long enough to become fully nourished, but also design beautiful pieces of jewelry mom would want to wear long after baby weaned. Thus the Mommy Necklaces was born.

All the Mommy Necklace™ beads are made of high-quality acrylics that are tested for both lead and phthalates. The necklaces are strung on an extra sturdy cording that is guaranteed from breakage and come secured with a break-away safety closure. Mommy Necklaces™ are the real deal and offer a “zero-to-three” guarantee which replaces, repairs, or cleans up any Mommy Necklace™ in need of some TLC for three years from purchase. A small investment with a big reward - function, style, safety, and three-year guarantee!

The collections each include a Dangling Donut designs which is not only extremely trendy but amazingly functional. Created long enough to be worn in eye-sight of baby and twiddled upon while nursing, the Dangling Donut line comes with a loose donut pendant that breastfeeding babies love to grasp and twiddle. The donut pendant gently skims the lower beads of the necklace and results in a wonderful rattling noise when moved. The smooth finishes on the beads are safe and delightful to touch. The collections are also available in Locked Donut, Trendy Teardrops, and Mod Flat Rock collections so that each mother can order a pendant that fits both her and her baby’s style. The variety of styles also allows mothers to change up their wardrobe while wearing a complimentary Mommy Necklace™!

The beautiful and stylish Mommy Necklaces come in several styles, colors, and lengths perfect for any lady whether she is breastfeeding or not. Available in multiple lengths to suit your taste and needs these affordable pieces begin at under $30 for the Dangling Donut style to less than $25 for the Trendy Teardrop with shipping just .99 no matter how many necklaces you purchase. You'll want a Mommy Necklace to match every outfit you own. Purchase your own necklace online or at a retailer near you.
Want It? Win It!
Mommy Necklaces generously wants to give one lucky winner their choice of style, length, and color of any necklace in their collections.

The Details: One lucky winner will receive their choice of nursing necklace from Mommy Necklaces. The Rules: Visit Mommy Necklaces and tell me which collection or style your love best.

Try, Try again... Second Chances:
**Follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know.

** Follow This
Mom Can Shop on Twitter and tweet RT @thismomcanshop Win trendy nursing necklace by Mommy Necklaces #Bfing PARTY All week long! Open Worldwide! http://tinyurl.com/nnsduu You may do so once a day for extra entries.
**Grab my Best For Breast Carnival Button for your site- and sign the linky 5 extra entries into eachc ontest. Tweet for 3 extra entries to each contest. You may tweet once a day for extra entries.
** Blog about this contest linking back to this contest and leave a separate comment.
** Follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook for 3 extra entries as well as sneak-peaks, giveaways, and news hosted by Mommy Necklaces!

The Nitty Gritty:
*Winners are chosen randomly, if you want all your chances counted, make sure you leave individual comments, not all of them in one!
*winner has 48 hours to contact me or another name will be chosen.
*contest ends September 15th, 9 pm EST. Winner will be posted within 48 hours.
*rules for each entry must be followed to be valid.


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 350   Newer›   Newest»
  1. 1. Mary said...

    I love the Urban mommy necklace. All of them are beautiful. A mommy necklace would help me nurse my soon-to-be born daughter (I'm due in 2 days!).

    mfalcon13 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. 2. juledh@live.ca said...

    I have a mommy necklace and love it. however my newborn still can't reach the donut because I ordered the locked style! his little arms are too short...one of the longer unlocked donut styles would make nursing so much better for us!!!entertainment for my LO and less scratches on my chest as he is trying to grab my necklace!


  3. 3. limabean+4 said...

    Thanks for posting your direct and passionate BF story. Every woman who sees or hears a positive story of over-coming negative experiences has a greater chance of succeeding in their attempts to BF! Happy BF Awareness Month!

  4. 4. Unknown said...

    I love Mommy Necklaces! I just bought my first one a couple of weeks ago and would love to have a longer one for my daughter to play with while she's nursing.

  5. 5. C said...

    I love the dangle style in Meadow! This is totally what my son needs...he's 8 months and becoming very easily distracted!
    cherlyn94 at yahoo

  6. 6. Rusti said...

    I found Mommy Necklaces just a couple of weeks ago and purchased TWO necklaces right away (well, as soon as I could decide which colors I wanted!) and they have helped TREMENDOUSLY!! My 7.5 month old now plays with my necklace instead of pinching me and leaving tiny little bruises all over my chest and arms... and I don't have to worry about her breaking the necklace either!!

    rusti.sidel (at)gmail.com

  7. 7. Rusti said...

    I'm now following your blog :) rusti.sidel (at) gmail.com

  8. 8. Rusti said...

    and now I'm following you on Twitter AS WELL as RT'ing you :)

    rusti.sidel (at) gmail.com

  9. 9. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I love Mommy Necklaces. My favorite style is the flat rock in daydream. BTW your link didn't work for me =(
    mdec07 at yahoo dot com

  10. 10. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I am a MN FB fan 1

  11. 11. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I am a MN FB fan 2

  12. 12. Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

    I am a MN FB fan 3

  13. 13. Heather said...

    I love that these necklaces are colorful and made with beads designed to get wet


  14. 14. Anonymous said...

    Sea sand is my favorite, the colors are so pretty! and boy could I use one of these with my son who is like nursing a baby wolverine how he pinches and pulls my skin :(

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  15. 15. Anonymous said...

    I am not following your blog!

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  16. 16. Anonymous said...

    following you on twitter and tweeted about the giveaway!

    jlizgar at msn dot com

  17. 17. Chrissyb said...

    I would love to try this out and help with brestfeeding my son. This would totally help distract him.


  18. 18. Jennifer said...

    The next two on my wish list are Sea Sand and Silver Ice. I already have a Rainstorm and Snazzy.

  19. 19. Jennifer said...

    I am already a follow of Mommy Necklaces on FB. That is how I found your giveaway!

  20. 20. Jennifer said...

    I am now publicly following you!

  21. 21. Jennifer said...

    I am now following you on Twitter too and just tweeted for an extra entry.

  22. 22. Jennifer said...

    Guess I need to tell you 2 more times that I am a fan of MN on FB.

  23. 23. Jennifer said...

    Guess I need to tell you 1 last time that I am a fan of MN on FB. That's 3 more entries! Woo hoo!

  24. 24. Jennifer said...

    I added your carnival button to my home page but am unclear if I need to sign the Linky for the carnival page 5 times, or if you have some other way of tracking all these extra entries. If I wasn't supposed to comment here that I did it, then please delete and let me know the right way.

  25. 25. Jennifer said...

    Okay, same thing with the tweet about the carnival.... it is done.

  26. 26. NotJustBabyBrain said...

    I think that a dangling donut would help keep my daughter from pulling my hair while she nurses!

    chickypoo81 AT hotmail DOT com

  27. 27. NotJustBabyBrain said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook

    chickypoo81 AT hotmail DOT com

  28. 28. NotJustBabyBrain said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook, take 2

    chickypoo81 AT hotmail DOT com

  29. 29. NotJustBabyBrain said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook, take 3

    chickypoo81 AT hotmail DOT com

  30. 30. Unknown said...

    I love the posh plum one, my daughter likes go hang on to my breast and its starting to become painful the older she gets so this would be helpful

  31. 31. Jenny said...

    I am newly pregnant but have heard fabulous things about these nursing necklaces from both friends and family who are already breastfeeding pros. I would love a chance to win one!!


  32. 32. Unknown said...

    I love mommy necklaces!!! I really like the rainstorm necklace with the locked pandant.
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com
    By the way your nursing necklaces link didnt work for me

  33. 33. Unknown said...

    I follow your blog (annamie2)
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  34. 34. Unknown said...

    I follow thismomcanshop on twitter and tweeted about giveaway @gravsie3

  35. 35. Unknown said...

    I grabbed your Best for Breast carnival button and i signed Mr. Linky
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  36. 36. Amber said...

    I also really love the daydream style. A nursing necklace would definitely come in handy, and also be a pretty accessory!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  37. 37. Unknown said...

    #2 comment for grabbing best for breast button and signing mr. linky

  38. 38. Unknown said...

    #3 comment for grabbing best for breast button and signing mr. linky

  39. 39. Unknown said...

    #4 comment for grabbing best for breast button and signing mr. linky

  40. 40. Unknown said...

    #5 comment for grabbing best for breast button and signing mr. linky

  41. 41. Unknown said...

    tweeted about breastfeeding awareness month giveaway @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  42. 42. Unknown said...

    #2 entry tweeted about breastfeeding awareness month giveaway @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  43. 43. Unknown said...

    #3 entry tweeted about breastfeeding awareness month giveaway @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  44. 44. Unknown said...

    Blogged about contest @ http://mylittlestgravesies.blogspot.com
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  45. 45. Unknown said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook #1
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  46. 46. Unknown said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook #2
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  47. 47. Unknown said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook #3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  48. 48. Carrie said...

    I really like the flat rock pendant- it's stylish and different from the necklaces I have. And my daughter would love that while she nurses!

  49. 49. RR said...

    I hope this would help keep my little guy from pinching me while he eats. I love the rainstorm dangling donut.

  50. 50. Rebecca said...

    I wasn't following it before, but I will now!


  51. 51. Kellie said...

    I like the dangle style...my baby girl would love to play with this while nursing!

  52. 52. Kellie said...

    I blogged about this giveaway


  53. 53. Kellie said...

    I am now a fan on facebook - entry #2

  54. 54. Kellie said...

    I am now a fan on facebook - #3

  55. 55. mverno said...

    the mommy necklace is my choice mverno@roadrunner.com

  56. 56. Jennifer said...

    I love the Dangle in Rainstorm.


  57. 57. Jennifer said...

    I'm a facebook fan.


  58. 58. Amanda said...

    I had never heard of these before but I think they are a great idea. A long necklace that my daughter could play with would help keep her attention now that she is old enough to get bored of nursing fast! They are all beautiful!


  59. 59. Amanda said...

    I follow


  60. 60. Amanda said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook 1


  61. 61. Amanda said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook 2

  62. 62. Amanda said...

    I follow mommy necklaces on facebook 3

  63. 63. Michelle AKA blabla3269 said...

    this is such a great idea I would love one

  64. 64. Heather S said...

    Love Sea Sand! This would help me nurse our Newbie to be In February!

    hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

  65. 65. Heather S said...

    follow your blog

  66. 66. mogrill said...

    The dangle earrings are my favorite. Thanks for the chance.

  67. 67. Jennireesa/Jennifer W. said...

    I like the Posh Plum Collection!

  68. 68. Unknown said...

    my fave is the silver ice collection

  69. 69. Sashafras said...

    I love the Posh Plum and Silver Ice with the tear drop charms!

    sashafras @ yahoo .com

  70. 70. Sashafras said...

    I follow your blog now!
    sashafras @ yahoo .com

  71. 71. Richelle said...

    I like the Cherish Collection.

  72. 72. Unknown said...

    Tweet @gravsie3
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  73. 73. Tena said...

    hard to pick, but I would go with the Plush Plum collection


  74. 74. Tena said...

    I follow your blog


  75. 75. Tena said...

    following you on twitter and here is the link to my tweet


  76. 76. Tena said...

    I have your button on Punky Monkey's


  77. 77. Tena said...

    fan on facebook


  78. 78. Tena said...

    fan on facebook


  79. 79. Tena said...

    fan on facebook


  80. 80. Unknown said...

    tweeted http://twitter.com/gravsie3/status/3580894615
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  81. 81. Abby said...

    I love the Cherish collection!

    abbyandygaige (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. 82. Abby said...


  83. 83. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #1!


  84. 84. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #2!


  85. 85. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #3!


  86. 86. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #4!


  87. 87. Abby said...

    I added your Best for Breast Carnival Button #5!


  88. 88. Jennifer said...

    I also blogged about your giveaway at my blog, Family Musings.

  89. 89. stella said...

    Cherish is my favourite!

  90. 90. stella said...

    Following MN on FB (1st entry)

  91. 91. stella said...

    Following MN on FB (2nd entry)

  92. 92. stella said...

    Following MN on FB (3rd entry)

  93. 93. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  94. 94. Lauren said...

    I love the Rainstorm collection the best... the one with the locked donut.

  95. 95. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  96. 96. Unknown said...

    I like the Harmony...the combination of pink, green, and shimmer is fabulous!

    mellisarock at yahoo dot coms

  97. 97. Unknown said...

    I am a brand new follower through Google reader

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  98. 98. Unknown said...

    I am now following on twitter and tweeted


    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  99. 99. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 1

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  100. 100. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 2

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  101. 101. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 3

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  102. 102. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 4

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  103. 103. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 5

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  104. 104. Unknown said...

    I added your button and linked up--


    entry 5

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  105. 105. Unknown said...

    I am now following on facebook! Thanks!
    username Mellisa Rock
    entry #1

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  106. 106. Unknown said...

    I am now following on facebook! Thanks!
    username Mellisa Rock
    entry #2

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  107. 107. Unknown said...

    I am now following on facebook! Thanks!
    username Mellisa Rock
    entry #3

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  108. 108. Honey Mommy said...

    I like the Sea Sand Collection best. The one with the locked donut is really nice.

  109. 109. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  110. 110. Unknown said...

    I blogged about this giveaway


    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  111. 111. Michele P. said...

    blog follower

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  112. 112. Michele P. said...

    twitter follower @micaela6955 tweet http://twitter.com/micaela6955/status/3653273881

  113. 113. Michele P. said...

    MN FB Fan M Pineda entry 1

    love their urban 20" donut shaped necklace... hope you got my first comment, PC shut off when I was posting it...

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  114. 114. Michele P. said...

    MN FB fan entry 2

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  115. 115. Michele P. said...

    FB fan of MN entry 3

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  116. 116. Michele P. said...

    tweeted about giveaway event entry 1


  117. 117. Michele P. said...

    tweeted about event entry 2


  118. 118. Michele P. said...

    tweeted about event entry 3


    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  119. 119. Michele P. said...

    event button on sidebar #1

  120. 120. Michele P. said...

    have event button #2

  121. 121. Michele P. said...

    have event button linky signed too #3

    micaela6955 at msn dot com

  122. 122. Michele P. said...

    event button linky signed #4

  123. 123. Michele P. said...

    event button on blog, signed linky #5

  124. 124. The Royal Family said...

    Silv3er ICE! the best

  125. 125. The Royal Family said...

    I follow you now

  126. 126. The Royal Family said...

    I follow MN on FB

  127. 127. The Royal Family said...

    FB follower 2entry

  128. 128. The Royal Family said...

    fb follower 3rd entry

  129. 129. Becky said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook #1.

  130. 130. Becky said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook #2

  131. 131. Becky said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook #3.

  132. 132. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  133. 133. Anissa said...

    I like Rainstorm in Trendy Teardrop.

  134. 134. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  135. 135. Unknown said...

    tweeted carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  136. 136. sushi_noem said...

    I love the urban collection

  137. 137. sushi_noem said...


  138. 138. Jackie said...

    i love the blush collection - dangle donut :)

  139. 139. Jackie said...

    i follow u on twitter


  140. 140. Jackie said...

    mommy necklace fb fan (1)

  141. 141. Jackie said...

    mommy necklace fb fan (2)

  142. 142. Jackie said...

    mommy necklace fb fan (3)

  143. 143. Jackie said...

    tweeted your best for breast giveaway carnival (1)


  144. 144. Jackie said...

    tweeted your best for breast giveaway carnival (2)


  145. 145. Jackie said...

    tweeted your best for breast giveaway carnival (3)


  146. 146. Jackie said...

    your best for breast button is on my blog - i signed the linky
    www.3little1.blogspot.com (entry 1)

  147. 147. Jackie said...

    your best for breast button is on my blog - i signed the linky
    www.3little1.blogspot.com (entry 2)

  148. 148. Jackie said...

    your best for breast button is on my blog - i signed the linky
    www.3little1.blogspot.com (entry 3)

  149. 149. Jackie said...

    your best for breast button is on my blog - i signed the linky
    www.3little1.blogspot.com (entry 4)

  150. 150. Jackie said...

    your best for breast button is on my blog - i signed the linky
    www.3little1.blogspot.com (entry 5)

  151. 151. Becky said...

    My favorite is the dangle Rainstorm necklace.

  152. 152. Katrina said...

    I like the silver ice! =)

  153. 153. Chrissyb said...

    I lilke the Sea and Sand collection.

  154. 154. Chrissyb said...

    Im a follower.


  155. 155. Jackie said...

    todays tweet

  156. 156. Unknown said...

    My favorite collection is Rainstorm. The colors are so vibrant and unique. They snazz up any outfit.

  157. 157. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  158. 158. sunnymum said...

    I really like the colors in the Earth and the Serene collections and the dangling donut style the best.

  159. 159. sunnymum said...

    (1) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com

  160. 160. sunnymum said...

    (2) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com

  161. 161. sunnymum said...

    (3) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com

  162. 162. sunnymum said...

    (4) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com

  163. 163. sunnymum said...

    (5) Best For Breast Carnival Button is on our site and I've signed the linky http://aspritzofsis.wordpress.com

  164. 164. Christina said...

    Christina - xristya@rock.com - I'd love to win a Turquoise colored Mommy Necklace!

  165. 165. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  166. 166. Jackie said...

    daily tweet


  167. 167. Shelly T. said...

    I love the Day Dream Collection! The Mod Flat Rock in all white is my favorite.


  168. 168. Rebecca Orr said...

    I love all the collections, but I think that the Day Dream Collection would be the best for my clothing choices. I really like the Locked Donut style. So pretty. Thanks for the chance!

  169. 169. Rebecca Orr said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook entry #1

  170. 170. Rebecca Orr said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook entry #2

  171. 171. Rebecca Orr said...

    I follow Mommy Necklaces on Facebook entry #3

  172. 172. Unknown said...

    I've blogged about your giveaway. Check it out:

  173. 173. Amanda said...

    I love the Urban, Rainforest, and Meadow!! Fav is urban! I would love the 28 inch unlocked donut.

  174. 174. Laura said...

    I really like the Serene collection.

  175. 175. Laura said...

    I follow your blog.

  176. 176. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    love the earth oval design!

  177. 177. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    I'm now following your blog!
    -The Penny-Pinching Mama :)

  178. 178. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    im a fan on facebook comment #1

  179. 179. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    im a fan on facebook comment #2

  180. 180. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    im a fan on facebook comment #3

  181. 181. Honey said...

    I like the Cherish with the purple square in the middle. Very neat giveaway-thanks!

  182. 182. Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

    following on twitter and tweeted!


  183. 183. Unknown said...

    I like the ice (black and white) collection, these are so cute and pretty.


  184. 184. Unknown said...

    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  185. 185. Unknown said...

    tweet for carnival
    annamie2 at hotmail dot com

  186. 186. Nicole M. said...

    Anything from the Sea Sand collection would be great. I just love that color!
    nicole_melnick at yahoo dot com

  187. 187. chericehodges said...

    I'm loving the Rainstorm collection! Thanks for the chance.

  188. 188. Melissa said...

    I love the meadow color ones! VERY CUTE!!

    bugaroobows at gmail dot com

  189. 189. Melissa said...

    fan of mommy nechlaces on facebook!

  190. 190. Melissa said...

    facebook fan 2

  191. 191. Melissa said...

    facebook fan 3

  192. 192. Erin said...

    So hard to choose! I like the meadow collection best, I think.

  193. 193. rebecca said...

    I like the Sea sand, rainstorm, meadow, and blush! It would be so hard to pick just one!

    gitrecca at gmail dot com

  194. 194. Laura said...

    I love the Urban Collection.


  195. 195. Jackie said...

    daily tweet

  196. 196. Melissa said...

    I love the light blue of the sea sand ones!

  197. 197. Unknown said...

    I love the Mommy Necklace in Rainstorm!!!

  198. 198. Unknown said...

    I follow you on twitter and I tweeted:

  199. 199. Unknown said...

    Following Mommy Necklaces on FB:
    Karen Bridges
    Entry #1

  200. 200. Unknown said...

    Following Mommy Necklaces on FB:
    Karen Bridges
    Entry #2

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